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J Leaders

Creating lifelong connections to ensure a vibrant Jewish community and make the world a better place.

J Leaders Academy Applications Now Open

Your Time Is Now

The future of our Jewish community depends on developing and engaging ethical, strong Jewish young adult leaders. J Leaders fellows and alumni make a difference in everything they do – in their own teams and organizations, in the Jewish community, and the world.

Who Are We

Providing Impactful Leadership Skill Development

  • We believe everyone can develop leadership skills and make a difference in the world.
  • We believe people become great leaders through values-based leadership skill development.
  • We believe that effective leadership development occurs by engaging with world-class leaders and creating learn-by-doing experiences.

Creating a Connected Jewish Community

  • We learn, grow, and connect in an inclusive Jewish environment.
  • We are creating a vibrant, tight-knit community, through connections to Judaism and leadership.
  • We are a launching pad for creating lifelong connections that support a vibrant Jewish community, locally and beyond.


Lean on their the J Leaders community for help


Successfully graduate from the Academy


Credit career advancement to the Academy

J Leaders Academy

Cohort-based Leadership Development Program

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J Leaders Forum

Prominent Jewish leaders share stories as a leader and mensch

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Tailored Personal, Professional, and Career Development

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6 Lessons in Leading with Your Values from Noah’s Bagels’ Founder Noah Alper

| J Leaders Academy, Leadership Skills | No Comments
The J Leaders fellows recently met Noah Alper, a serial entrepreneur from the Bay Area who is most well known for founding Noah's NY Bagels in 1989. Noah spoke to…

Moving Forward with Purpose: Cultivating Hope in a Post October 7th World

| Leadership Skills | No Comments
Each of us were affected in our own way by the events of October 7th. Like many in the Jewish community, I have felt waves of emotions since the tragedy…

Resilience in the Wake of Tragedy: A Call to Action

| J Leaders Alumni Community, J Leaders Announcements | No Comments
Resilience in the Wake of Tragedy: A Call to Action Zev Fogelman, J Leaders National Council Director Re-printed from the Times of Israel Blog on February 7th, 2024. From a…