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Alexa Rubinov

Board Member

What people have the capacity to choose, they have the ability to change.


Why J Leaders?

Our impact in the world is magnified when we come together as a group with shared values. Having a strong foundation, anchored in the Jewish community, makes it possible for leaders to make decisions with conviction and to know they have a network of supporters rooting for them at every stage.

Young adults are at the helm of making strategic decisions that will change the trajectory of our future – and empowering and enabling them with the right tools and resources will give them the confidence to drive the meaningful change they want to see in the world. I see this opportunity as an incredible privilege and responsibility as a member of the Jewish community.


Alexa is a passionate people connector who has been working in the leadership development space for over 15 years. She believes that information is meant to be shared and spends a lot of time reading, learning and doing her best to synthesize and share insights that can help elevate others.

Alexa gets the pleasure of doing this work everyday, running Google’s global mentorship community, and previously, Google Cloud’s global manager development program. Before Google, Alexa spent time leading retail teams at Apple and working in Cupertino as an instructional designer. Her passion for leadership education expands more broadly outside of work where she supports the B’nai Brith Youth Organization (BBYO) as Palo Alto’s chapter advisor, and is a Mentor with the J Leaders/JHTC mentorship program.

Outside of work, Alexa loves to spend time with family and friends, work on real estate investment projects, teach personal finance to new grads, improvise in the kitchen and travel extensively (there’s no cooler place to work and explore than a new city with epic views!). She also enjoys backpacking, dancing, skydiving, and anything that will get her adrenaline going!

Alexa loves making new friends, so please feel free to reach out if you’d like to connect!