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Monica Rodriguez Kuniyoshi

J Leaders Board Vice President, Marketing

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

Albert Einstein

Why J Leaders?

I firmly believe that our tradition has been at the vanguard of teaching ethics for thousands of years. But the transmission of ethics and values doesn’t happen through osmosis. That transmission happens through community, mentoring, and people willing to share their wisdom. I myself have been the beneficiary of amazing mentors and leadership programs, including the Wexner Heritage Program, and I feel a responsibility to pay that forward. What J Leaders is trying to do is right up my alley, right where my heart is, and I am committed to see it grow and thrive.


Monica is the Chief Marketing Officer for Gunderson Dettmer. Monica has more than 20 years of experience supporting lawyers with business development, marketing communications and client outreach. She leverages her background in organizational development to improve collaboration and business outcomes through knowledge management, human centered design, learning and development, process improvement, leadership development, and strategic analysis. She has an M.S. in Organizational Development from the University of San Francisco’s Masagung School of Business, and a B.A. from Vassar College.

Monica is a committed lay leader in the Bay Area Jewish community, having served in various volunteer capacities for Upstart, Kol Emeth Congregation, IsraAid, Jewish Baby Network, Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School, and other organizations focused on innovation and inclusion in the Jewish community. Monica is also a proud alum of the Wexner Heritage Program (SF ’14).