7 Ways to Get Involved

Stay Connected
Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Invest in J Leaders
Make a financial contribution to help us continue our work and have an impact on more Jewish young adults.
Participate in National Thought Leadership Sessions
Join us for our bi-monthly Jewish Leadership Forums featuring prominent Jewish leaders sharing their personal stories as a leader and mensch.
Sign up to be a Mentor
Connect one-on-one with a Jewish young adult. Enroll to be a mentor in the J Leaders mentorship program. Sign-up form coming soon.
Become a Presenter or Advisor
Are you an expert facilitator or presenter on a leadership-related topic? We’d love to hear more. Email us at: team@jleaders.org
Be a Volunteer
Jump in and share your talents with the J leaders team – marketing, bookkeeping, web development, philanthropy, learning design… or perhaps something else. Reach out and let us know your interests.
Partner with J Leaders to bring an Academy or Mentorship Program to Jewish Young Adults in your Community
J leaders is pleased to collaborate with Jewish communal organizations interested in increased engagement within their Jewish young adult community. We’d be pleased to talk.