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J Leaders Founders Circle

As a member of the J Leaders Founders Circle, your vision and generosity will make a remarkable difference in providing life-changing leadership development opportunities for Jewish young adults. The Founder’s Circle is an opportunity to help build a strong foundation for J Leaders in our founding years. Founders Circle investments are made at the $5,000, $10,000 and $25,000 levels. If you’d like to invest at a higher level, please contact us. We’d welcome the conversation.

You can also donate by check or directly through your charitable donor-advised fund.  We'd appreciate it if you would let us know of your intended gift through the below contact form. Charitable donor-advised fund donations should designate Jewish Silicon Valley  as the receiving non-profit with a designation of  "J Leaders".  

Checks should be made out to “Jewish Silicon Valley” with “ J Leaders” in the memo  line and send it the following address. 

Jewish Silicon Valley
 J Leaders  
14855 Oka Road
Los Gatos, CA 95032

J Leaders is a fiscally sponsored project of Jewish Silicon Valley, a Section 501(c)(3) public charity (EIN 94-2222989).  All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.   Please reach out if you would like to discuss your support of  J Leaders.  You can contact us by clicking on the button below or by emailing us at