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A Vision for Growth: J Leaders Welcomes a New Chair of the Board, Tina Rosenblum

By Leya Aronoff, ’22-’23 J Leaders Academy Fellow and Digital Marketing Strategist for J Leaders

At J Leaders, we are thrilled to welcome the new Chair of the Board of Directors for J Leaders, Tina Rosenblum. Tina’s deep-rooted connection to Jewish community has guided her throughout her life. Her journey reflects her commitment to fostering Jewish community for the next generation. 

I chatted with Tina about her inspiring story and vision for the future of J Leaders.

Share a bit about your background and what led you to take on the role of Chair of the Board of Directors.

Jewish community has always been central in my life — from my childhood temple, to Hillel in college, and ultimately to joining a shul in Hoboken, New Jersey after graduate school. I had just moved to Hoboken, was starting my first job in NYC, and didn’t know anyone. There was a spectacular shul with a vibrant and active young adult community, most of whom were in the same stage of life as I. The United Synagogue of Hoboken became central to my religious and social life. So much so that I formed a lifelong friendship with J Leaders’ board member, Monica Rodriguez Kuniyoshi. 

How does your involvement in Jewish communities translate into you joining the Board of J Leaders now? 

I first met Peter Hoffman when he was piloting the J Leaders Academy. I initially helped by teaching a session on effective corporate and leadership communication. 

The more we talked, it became evident that I wanted to do even more than teach for J Leaders. 

It’s easy to find places to volunteer. But when I volunteer for J Leaders, those hours have a multiplier effect because I get to pay it forward to the next generation of leaders in our community and in our world.

You initially got involved with J Leaders through teaching in the Academy. Why does the J Leaders leadership programs incorporate Jewish wisdom?

When leadership development and Jewish wisdom are combined, something very special happens – they support and amplify one another.

We live in a complicated world. What we learn from our Jewish tradition — providing guidelines for ethical, values-driven behavior — enables us to take on the hard decisions in life. 

The companion piece to Jewish wisdom is leadership. The best leaders bring people along together, to make tough decisions with them, and to create better communities in the world. 

The two together – Jewish values and leadership – live together synergistically. Either on its own can add value, but together, the potential is limitless!

Now that you are the Chair of the Board of Directors for J Leaders, what makes J Leaders a priority for you?

We’re in a special moment in time. There is a tremendous amount of energy among young Jewish adults to contribute to the world professionally and contribute to the Jewish community. Once we provide some guidance, direction, and wisdom, then we just step out of the way and let it happen. We strive to achieve this at J Leaders through the curriculum, teachings, and mentorship of experienced professionals and leaders.

Looking ahead, what are you most excited about when it comes to J Leaders? 

In a short time, we demonstrated that our impact framework works, through our Academy and other programs. Now we are looking at scale. I set two focus areas for myself as the Chair of the Board. First, we need to increase our fundraising so we can grow the organization to support scaling nationally and beyond. Second, we need to solidify our strategy in order to scale. To achieve these two goals, we’ve created a tiger team, and we are already well underway.

My last question is where do you see J Leaders going in the future? 

When I went to college, I didn’t go to a school with a strong Jewish presence. And yet, within the first week, I was having bagels at Hillel because it was just what you do.

Someday, when my son enters young adulthood, I expect that he’s going to get involved with J Leaders because that’s just what you do.

So where do I see J Leaders in the future? Everywhere! J Leaders will be as ubiquitous as Hillel and Birthright. J Leaders will be a destination for every Jewish young adult as the logical stepping stone to growth into adulthood, into leadership, and into a leader in the Jewish community. 


Tina’s vision for the future of J Leaders is one of scale and influence within the Jewish community. Her aim is to make J Leaders a prominent destination for Jewish young adults seeking growth, leadership opportunities, and a deeper connection to their heritage. With a focus on scaling the organization, increasing fundraising efforts, and solidifying a strategic path forward, J Leaders is poised for a bright and impactful future, promising to shape the next generation of Jewish leaders and leave a lasting imprint on the Jewish community.

You can help make this vision come to life. Here’s some ways you can get involved.