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The Power of Mentorship: A Remarkable Journey with Jim and Yale

By Leya Aronoff, 2022-23 J Leaders Academy Fellow and Digital Marketing Strategist for J Leaders

Yale Friend, 2021-22 J Leaders Academy Fellow & Jewish Community Mentorship Mentee

When it comes to organized professional mentorship programs, mentor-mentee relationships can be limited to transactional exchanges. But there is so much more to mentorship than advice and coffee chats. Mentorship can be a transformational experience where both mentor and mentee elevate one another to achieve new-found heights. 

Jim Katzman, Jewish Community Mentorship Mentor

The story of Jim and Yale stands as a shining example of how mentorship can transform lives.

Jim and Yale joined the Jewish Community Mentorship Program as strangers. Now, they still keep in touch as friends and trusted advisors. Jim and Yale spoke about their experience that showcases the profound advantages of a mentorship relationship that goes beyond the conventional experience.

Genuine Friendship and Personal Connection

Jim admitted that being a mentor was much more fun than he expected because he found himself making a new friend in his mentee, Yale. What struck him the most was that this friendship wasn’t orchestrated by family connections or work-related introductions; it was organic and authentic.

Yale echoes this sentiment. He had been part of several mentorship programs in the past, but this was different. It went beyond the typical mentor-mentee relationship and evolved into a genuine friendship. Yale ended up taking a leadership class from Jim’s daughter, Robyn, which exemplifying how close Jim and Yale became. In a world where professional connections often remain formal, this personal bond became the cornerstone of their mentorship journey.

Mentorship During Career Cusp

Jim’s role as a mentor extended far beyond mere guidance. He became someone Yale could lean on for support, leadership, and mentorship. Jim’s experience and wisdom became invaluable to Yale as he navigated the complexities of his career and life choices. 

Jim’s mentorship wasn’t a one-sided endeavor; he learned from Yale as well. Together, they discovered the ever-evolving landscape of electrical engineering and technology.

Common Ground and Similar Interests

Jim and Yale’s mentorship journey demonstrates how a community can form around shared interests and common ground. Their love for music, engineering, family, and cars created a sense of camaraderie that made their meetings not just fun but deeply enjoyable.

Continued Support Despite Distance

Life can take unexpected turns, leading mentees and mentors in different directions. Yale’s decision to relocate to the East Coast could have disrupted their mentorship, but they were determined to continue their journey. They pledged to maintain their connection through Zoom, demonstrating the program’s commitment to nurturing relationships, regardless of geographical distance. To this day, they keep in touch to talk about life and career wins and challenges.

Professional and Personal Growth

Jim and Yale’s mentorship didn’t just benefit their personal lives; it also contributed to their professional growth. Yale gained valuable insights from Jim’s experience from their shared electrical engineering background. Simultaneously, Jim discovered that technology had advanced more than he thought through Yale’s expertise. The program provides a platform for mutual learning, fostering not only personal growth but also professional development.


Left to Right: Sylvia Katzman, Jim Katzman, and Yale Friend

In conclusion, the Jewish Community Mentorship Program, through the remarkable journey of Jim and Yale, fosters truly genuine connections across generations. Their story serves as a testament to the transformative potential of mentorship. 

It’s not just about mentorship; it’s about building lifelong connections and supporting one another in a nurturing community. 

You can also experience the powerful benefits of mentorship. Apply to join this year’s Jewish Community Mentorship Program for a great journey of personal development, professional growth, and unexpected friendships.

Apply by October 31st.

Jim Katzman’s Bio

Jim led a stellar career across several sectors within tech. He started as a computer architect and designer at Hewlett Packard, Amdahl Corporation, and Tandem Computers. He then moved into venture capital and private investing in companies such as Google, Netflix, and Microsoft before they went public. But his greatest achievement and joy is his family — Married for 53 years with 2 children and 3 grandchildren.

Yale Friend’s Bio

Yale is an electrical engineer and jazz musician currently taking the scenic route from the Bay Area to Boston.